Friday 6 July 2007

friday first practice

Had a strange evening in the clubhouse last night, watching world darts on Sky and getting excited about it. As you can tell, there was not alot to do last night. Back in the tent with all the helicopters going over to the circuit it felt like being in an episode of M.A.S.H. and not a very good one either with the wind blowing a gale forcing me to have to 'storm the guy ropes' (it's a boy scout thing). A short walk this morning and we arrived at the circuit in time to watch classic cars sliding around Club corner. We found our seats on the pit strait ( we are by the first bridge after woodcote) and watched first practice. The sheer brute force of a F1 car took our breath away and are earplugs out. Lewis was fastest this morning with the Ferrari's just behind. Sue now has a D.C. cap and David bined his Red Bull in celebration of her new headgear. We've watched the Gp2 cars at Copse corner and we are now at Beckets waiting for 2nd practice. The Red Devils have just pulled out due to the wind, never mind, we don't want them landing on our tent. We are having a great time , Paul and Sue.

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